суббота, 8 февраля 2020 г.


She who sports in Her four hands the arrows of flowers, sugar cane as bow, the rope noose Pasha, and the goad Ankusha. You are the the bestower of prosperity and happiness. Traditionally such a journey is mapped in nine stages, and each of these stages corresponds with one of the nine circuits of which the yantra is composed. The kritis of the kamalAmba navAvaraNa series are as follows: Her dark tresses exceed the dark hue of a swarm of bees. kamalamba navavarna

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The KamalAmbA shrine is in the northwest corner of the outermost prAkAram, well away from the main shrines, with its own Kamalqmba and circumambulatory passages that makes an angle with the prAkAram wall.

There are four gopurams temple towers on the four sides, and three smaller ones inside the complex. The ten shaktis dasha shakti referred to here are: May he be victorious. Shree Kamalaambaa Jayati ].

Kamalamba Samrakshatu

The rendering of these Kritis are considered to be extremely challenging owing to the complexity of kamalambq words and the notations. Please help improve it by rewriting it in an encyclopedic style. The line set in caturthI vibhakti also incorporates the sambodhanA, while the two lines sung in madhyamakAla return to the prathamA vibhakti. She possesses the beautiful form assumed to grant the prayers of Indra and the other gods. She is the attributeless supreme spirit and is the form of the world.

These shaktis are described as guptatara yoginis. You are the single syllable Om, oh empress of the world, one who enchants Lord Shiva. She delights Shaktis such as Kamakarshani.


kamalamba navavarna

You are the creator of movable as well as unmovable phenomena. Starting from the outer square and moving inwards, the nine rings bear specific names, related to their characteristics. In this intellectual project, the composer is at kamalambx best, the lyrics are superb and steeped in devotion, the theme is lofty, and everything is indeed 'par excellence'!!

Kamalamba Navavarna Kritis

May goddess Kamalamba, who kamalakba "nivasini" at the heart "hrut" of Kamalangara, protect "samrakshatu" me "maam".

She is the goddess of the Chakra Sarvarakshakara, protecting all. She is the consort of Shankara, who is the Lord of innumerable universes. The Sri Yantra also has nine circuits avaranas. I meditate on Mahatripurasundari, who is propitiated by the goddess with the boar's face, Varahi, and others, the suzerain empress, the auspicious one who dwells in the kamakamba replete with all bliss.

Yantras are geometric objects involving shapes of triangle, squares and circles in either 2 or 3 dimensions. The rendition of this classic cycle of compositions begin with an invocatory song on Lord Ganesha and Lord Muruga. This article has multiple issues. The Goddess manifests here as tripureshI. kaamalamba

kamalamba navavarna

This work is one of the peaks of his creativity. She is slender-waisted "talodhari"Tripurasundari the great goddess and spouse "eshwari" of Maheshvara.

The ten shaktis referred to here are: Dikshitar uses several talas time measures although Rupakam 3 beats seems to be his favourite.

She is the embodiment of the three-word mantra Tat-Tvam-Asi imparted by Guruguha. Pallasena Narayanaswami ppnswami at gmail.

She who is knowledgeable and is entertained by Guruguha, She manifests as Sarvartthasadhaka Chakra, achieving all purposes. From Her ten fingernails, She created the ten incarnations of Vishnu.

Compiled, encoded, translated, navaavarna proofread by Pallasena Narayanaswami ppnswami at gmail. They are treasures which embody not only the technical brilliance of the composer but also offer a peep into the advaitic school of Hindu philosophy and elements of Tantric rituals.

Her feet are adroit at removing grief. In each of the enclosures specific deities are invoked, each circuit being kkamalamba as a cosmological form which supports devata-clusters, or groups of goddesses.

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