вторник, 11 февраля 2020 г.


Chava build on the hype tag your song on youtube as kamaress madtracks u will get more plays on your version. If it was well known in KE, Maddtraxx would have been hit with this Plagiarism attacks shortly after releasing it. I dont know if Madtraxx was biting anyones style here however there is a certain alarming resemblance of these two songs from a hook perspective. Verse by verse, its all about how the girl and her maringo. Am a big fan of both producers and it shows how one song can sound so different when two producers approach the same idea…. skamaress madtraxx free mp3

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Now to my hate speech: That said, there is no law against plagiarizing a nursery rhyme. April 12, at 2: Chava simply cannot produce.

Maybe a manager is what is needed cause clearly Kenyan Artists are headed downhill cause of mismanagement.

Are you kidding me, Maddtrax has definitely copied the original Kamaress from JYC……shame on him, he needs to be original and no bias but i prefer kamaress than hii version ya madtrraxx. Producer himself to do what he sees bests for his music.

There is a certain level of seniority an artist reaches where anything he does will sell and I think madtraxx is there. Get down was a legit hit.

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Leave a Reply Click here to cancel reply. April 14, at April 13, at 2: April 18, at 5: If it was maadtraxx known in KE, Maddtraxx would have been hit with this Plagiarism attacks shortly after releasing it.

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I mean, Longombas did a song my queen and released it in kenya, skamarees its a hit, yet they did it all here.

Now they are going to make Kenyan music to hit just coz of, where you come from, who you role with na if you made a hit song before. On a lighter note big up to all the Kenyan artists out there who are working hard to give us good music.

Listened to both tunes. Are you insinuating that those of us who listen to his skamqress are deaf? April 19, at 2: On top of that, as originally posted above.

He has connections and his songs get airplay in Kenyan radio stations and deejays all over play his songs, not because they are good.

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April 14, at 4: Lets call a spade a spade, and not Chava a good producer. April 17, at 8: I have, unfortunately, never been to Kenya or s,amaress else in Africa so I do not feel as though I am at liberty to comment on the deeper discussions regarding the 2 tracks fre the artists.

Neither producers came up with the tune. That said, Chava if you ever get a chance to read this, time skamraess pull up your socks bro. Who the hell is Chava? Verse by verse, its all about how the girl and her maringo.

Kamares is definitely a word play and creative play from a classic kid tune many of us sang while we were young if you grew up in Kenya.

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In my opinion the madtraxx version is better. I am an avid supporter of originality and it vexes me when artists and even djs copy one another style for style but in this case i plead the fifth. Guys at home dont have all that.

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You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2. At first I thought. He should learn to make hit records.

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